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A Brief History

Our Timeline

The demesne consists of the ancient townlands of Kilmainham, Ardgillan and Baltray.
The district was originally controlled by the Gaelic O’Casey family and later the Earl of Tyrconnell.

1600 - 1700

The period 1600 – 1700 saw great changes in the pattern of land ownership in Ireland due to the confiscation and redistribution of land after the Cromwellian and Williamite wars (1640s and 1680s respectively). In 1658, the “Down Survey” records that Ardgillan was owned by a wine merchant, Robert Usher of Tallaght, Dublin.

old kitchen


By 1737, the property had been acquired by the Reverend Robert Taylor, one of the Headfort Taylors, whose grandfather had collaborated with Sir William Petty on the mid 17th century “Down Survey of Ireland”.

old photo of the castle


Ardgillan remained the family home of the Taylors (later changed to Taylour) for more than two hundred years up until 1962 when the estate was sold to Heinrich Potts of Westphalia, Germany. In 1981, Dublin County Council purchased Ardgillan Demesne and it is now managed by Ardgillan Castle Ltd., under the auspices of Fingal County Council.