Aerial view of the castle

The Castle

Explore The Castle

Ardgillan Castle, built in 1738, remained the family home of the Taylors for more than two hundred years up until 1962 when the estate was sold to Heinrich Potts of Westphalia, Germany. In 1982, Dublin County Council purchased Ardgillan Demesne and it is now managed by Ardgillan Castle Ltd., under the auspices of Fingal County Council.

front view of the castle

Ardgillan Castle

The house consists of two storeys over a basement which extends out under the lawns on the southern side of the building. When occupied, the ground and first floors were the living accommodations while the west and east wings were servants’ quarters and estate offices. The basement comprised of the service floor, the kitchen, and stores. The Castle has now been restored and the ground floor rooms and kitchens are open to visitors for guided tours.

Family in the castle's library


Tours are available all year round. Visitors can experience the charm and splendour of an 18th-century country house at their own pace with our self-guided tour.

Learn about the fascinating history through informative displays and exhibits throughout the house. Visitors will get the chance to explore the castle and enjoy the same atmosphere that the Taylors experienced from 1738, when the castle was built right up to 1962, when it was eventually sold.

Discover the stories and secrets that make Ardgillan Castle a true gem of Irish heritage.

Adgillan Icon
group of visitors during a guided visit inside the castle

Castle History

When Robert Taylor visited the area in the 1730s, he must have been sufficiently impressed with the stunning views that were afforded on Mount Prospect he decided to build his home half way down this hill, which he called Prospect House. Known today as Ardgillan Castle, the name having already been in existence as the land is called Ardgillan on the Down Survey map of 1653.
bookshelf with old books in the castle

Culture and Heritage

Since the Castle was bought by Fingal County Council in 1981, a strong emphasis has been put on preserving the culture and heritage of this significant heritage site in Balbriggan. The restoration and preservation of the castle and demesne has been the main ambition of the council so that future generations may enjoy it for many years to come. Researching the history of the Taylor Family and discovering their connection and influence on the surrounding areas has been the key focus of our heritage team, thus revealing the legacy of the lives once lived within these four walls.