Sarah Daly – Little Sewing Tree
Sarah Daly – Little Sewing Tree
I was born and spent my childhood in Kenya. My grandmother, who was a schoolteacher there, taught me to knit, crochet and hand stitch. Since then, I have always had a love for creating.
After having our second child I knew I still wanted to keep making but my spare time had become somewhat limited. To save time I decided to start using a sewing machine. I joined a small group in Skerries Mills to learn more about using sewing machines. We made small items together and it was great to be able to finish projects quicker. A friend asked me to make her an apron using oilcloth after she saw what I made at the group and with the left-over fabric, I made her a small book bag. I wanted to make another one as soon as I finished that first one and knew what changes I needed make. My love for bagmaking started there. I started making more bags, adjusting each bag, and trying new ideas. Little Sewing Tree grew from there.
Now, 8 years on and fully self-taught, I have grown from strength to strength & have been selling my creations both in person at craft fairs across Ireland and online. Moving to a studio in Ardgillan has been a dream come true. It will allow me to keep growing and expand. Customers will now have the option of coming into the studio to see my bagmaking process along with the opportunity to ask questions and purchase my work.