Rose & Sweet Pea Show 2024

Rose & Sweet Pea Show 2024


7th July 2024
2.00pm to 5.00pm

At Ardgillan Castle
Admission Free
Plant Sale (Donations of plants for plant sale welcome)
Flowers will be auctioned at close of show.



  1. Entries close Sunday 7th July at 12.30pm.
  2. Exhibits are to be staged from 9.00 am and finishes at 12.30pm.
  3. Competitor may not enter more than one exhibit in any one class.
  4. All exhibits to be named if possible.
  5. The decision of the judges will be final.
  6. Exhibits are accepted at Owner’s risk only.
  7. All exhibits must have been grown in the garden of the exhibitor.
  8. Pot plants must be grown by the exhibitor or owned by the exhibitor for longer than 18 months.
  9. Class 21 will be judged on the quantity and freshness of blooms and foliage NOT on arrangement.
  10. All entries must be shown in Society’s vases.
  11. Exhibits judged in accordance with “Horticultural Show Handbook”.
  12. The use of any support(s) in Sweet Pea exhibits will disqualify exhibitor.
  13. A ‘Novice’ is an Exhibitor who grows less then 100 plants.


Getting there

Exit 5 or 6 Off the M1 following the signposts for Ardgillan Castle.

For more information please contact 087 7520506 or email:


Trophies will be awarded as follows:-

  1. Alex McKenna Trophy – Awarded for Highest Points in Section A.
  2. The William Murray Perpetual Cup – Awarded for Best Exhibit in Section B.
  3. Garden News Shield – Awarded to the exhibitor gaining the most points Section B.
  4. The Dick Nevin Perpetual Trophy – Awarded for Best Exhibit in Section C.
  5. Hugh Cumisky Cup – Awarded for the highest points Section C.
  6. Garden News Perpetual Shield – Awarded for Best Floribunda Exhibit in Show
  7. Royal National Rose Society Bronze Medal – Awarded for the Best Rose Bloom in the Show.
  8. Paddy Blanche Perpetual Trophy – Awarded for Best Exhibit Class 11 – 12.
  9. All Ireland Rose Trophy – Awarded to Winner Class 21.
  10. Fr. O’Sullivan Cup – Awarded for the Best Exhibit in Section D.
  11. Bill Chase Memorial Trophy – Awarded for Best Vase Section E.
  12. The Josie Weldon Perpetual Cup – Awarded for Highest Points Section E.
  13. Sweet Pea Medal – Awarded for Best Exhibit Section F.
  14. Chris McAleer Cup – Awarded for Highest Points in section F.
  15. Ardgillan Trophy – Awarded for Best Exhibit in Show.


SECTION ‘A’ – Confined to those who have never won a first prize.

Hybrid Tea Roses

1. Vase of 1 bloom – Any variety
2. Vase of 2 blooms – One or more varieties
3. Vase of 1 bloom – Blown Rose

Floribunda Roses

4. Vase of 1 stem – Any variety
5. Vase of 2 stems – One or more varieties

SECTION ‘B’ – Confined to growers of less than 50 rose trees.

Hybrid Tea Roses

6. Vase of 1 bloom – Any variety
7. Vase of 2 blooms – One or more varieties
8. Vase of 3 blooms – One or more varieties

Floribunda Roses

9. Vase of 1 stem – Any variety
10. Vase of 2 stems – Any variety


Hybrid Tea Roses

11. Vase of 5 blooms – May be mixed
12. Box of 6 specimen blooms – Exhibitors supply box.
13. Vase of 1 bloom – Blown Rose
14. Vase of 3 blooms – One or more varieties
15. Vase of 3 blooms – One variety – to show various stages of development –
1 Open Bud, 1 Perfect Bloom, 1 Blown Stage
16. Vase of 3 blooms – One variety
17. Vase of 2 blooms – One variety
18. Vase of 2 blooms – Two varieties
19. Vase of 1 bloom – Any variety
20. Vase of 1 bloom – Any Fragrant variety – will be judged on quality and fragrance

All Ireland H.T. Trophy

21. One Vase not more than 10 H.T. Roses

Floribunda Roses – open to all

22. Vase of 3 stems – One or more varieties
23. Vase of 1 stem – Any variety
24. Vase of 2 stems – One variety
25. Vase of 2 stems – Two varieties
26. Minature Roses – Box or Block of 6 blooms may be mixed
27. Roses other than those provided for in this schedule – 1 Vase



28. Vase of Cut Flowers – excluding Roses and Sweet Pea
29. Shrubs – 3 Stems flowering, foliage or mixed
30. Herbaceous – 5 Stems
31. Annual Flowers – 5 Stems excluding Sweet Pea
32. Pot Plant – foliage only
33. Pot Plant – in bloom
34. Cactus – 1 Pot
35. Succulent – 1 Pot
36. Cactus or Succulent 3 Pots not exceeding 6”
37. Violas – Box of 6 blooms – may be mixed
38. Pansies – Box of 6 blooms – one variety
39. Pansies – Box of 6 blooms – may be mixed

40. Vase of 5 stems – Mixed
41. Vase of 5 stems – One variety
42. One vase of 1 stem
43. Bowl of Sweet Pea own foliage max 10 stems
44. Vases of 5 stems non-cordon may be mixed

45. Vase of 1 stem
46. Vase of 5 stems – mixed variety
47. Vases of 5 stems – one variety
48. 2 Vases of 5 stems a distinct varieties in each vase
49. 3 Vases of 5 stems a distinct varieties in each vase
50. 1 Bowl 15 stems may be mixed use own foliage
51. 1 Bowl Decorative any foliage no limit on stems judged on quality of bloom
and effect
52. 1 Bowl old fashion sweet pea ie. non – Spencer varieties own foliage

53. Collection of Vegetables. Not more than 4 kinds. Tray not to exceed 18”x24”
54. Organically Grown Vegetables. Not more than 4 kinds. Tray not to exceed 18”x24”
55. Lettuce – 1 head
56. Brood Beans – 6 Pods
57. Peas – 6 Pods
58. Potatoes – Plate of 5
59. Rhubarb – 5 Sticks
60. Scallions – Bunch of 6
61. Any other Vegetables
62. Herbs – 3 Stems
63. Strawberries – Plate of 6
64. Collection of Fruit – Not more than 4 kinds. Tray not to exceed 18”x24″
65. Any other fruit