RIAI Public Choice Awards

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RIAI Public Choice Campaign 2024

We are delighted that the Glasshouse Restoration project has been shortlisted for the public choice RIAI awards. The project was expertly undertaken by de Blacam and Meagher Architects. The RIAI Architecture Awards are one of the longest running and most prestigious Architectural awards.

These glasshouses along with the Large Conservatory and the very rare Propagation House (which was kept in storage for almost 30 years) have now been completely restored and now incorporate state of the art electrical fittings and provision for irrigation.

You can vote by clicking this link: Restoration of Mackenzie and Moncur Vinery and Propagation House

Restoration of Mackenzie and Moncur Vinery and Propagation House, Ardgillan Castle Demesne
Architect: de Blacam and Meagher Architects
Voting closes on Wednesday 19th June



Congratulations on being shortlisted for the RIAI Awards 2024! The RIAI Architecture Awards are one of the longest running and most prestigious Architectural awards. Projects shortlisted for an RIAI Award are eligible for the Public Choice Award where the public get to choose Ireland’s favourite building or public space in 2024.

We hope that you will participate in the #RIAIPublicChoice campaign by encouraging visits to the campaign website on riai.ie. This also provides a great opportunity to showcase your work to the public and your clients. The best way to showcase your work is to have an engaging Public Relations (PR) campaign. To help you, we’ve compiled a few PR tips for a successful campaign.

1. Engage with your Community
If your entry involves a community (business, education, public, etc.), ask them to support your campaign. Get them involved and engaged. Share with them that your project has been shortlisted for an RIAI Award and could be chosen by the public for a Public Choice Award. Ask them to share this exciting news with their followers to build some momentum. Your clients/community could also use the image for the email footer (see below) during the
campaign, which can be hyperlinked to the RIAI website and the voting page.

2. Use Visual Messaging
Use as much visual content as possible to showcase your shortlisted project on your channels, including your website, Instagram, and any other social media platforms you use. Add additional content throughout the campaign, for example an early concept sketch, a model or images. Combine this with a clear call-to-action to generate votes for your project.

3. Find the right media platform
Social media is deemed to be the most effective public relations tool available. In a world where everyone is digitally connected you need an online presence. It is important to deliver your message to the right people, so invest in finding the appropriate media platforms that will resonate with them. Enhance your online presence by using social media platforms, such as LinkedIn, Instagram, Facebook, and Twitter to create and publish content instantly.
While many Architects are frequently using social media, we have put together some information on the platforms for those who are new to it.

Instagram is a visual platform to help you form a more personal connection. It’s a place where you can showcase pictures and videos about your shortlisted project and other work by your practice.
Why should you use it?
• Put a face to your company
• Showcase your company’s uniqueness and how your work differentiates from competitors
• Gives real time relevant information via Instagram Stories
• Follow and engage with relevant Instagrammers

LinkedIn is a professional social network. It’s a place where you can keep engaging with your professional contacts about your work.
Why should you use it?
• Stay connected with your business connections
• Build your network and get your company’s message out to your target audience
• Report and give insight from events that you are attending
• Share useful and helpful content about your work

Twitter is a social media platform centred around conversation. It’s a place where you can post 280 character-long tweets with images and links to relevant websites and resources.
It’s a great tool to announce your project on the Public Choice Award page.
Why should you use it?
• The platform allows direct two-way communication with the public and clients
• Keep track of trends and news: Twitter remains one of the key sources for current affairs in
modern society
• Reputation management: by searching for your company’s name, you can find what is being
said about you, even if they don’t tag your username.

Facebook is still the most used social media platform. With over 2 billion users (and counting), Facebook is a platform that your practice can tap into.
Why should you use it?
• Lower your marketing expenses
• Target audiences by location, demographics, interests
• Create a more personal reputation among the public
• Build brand loyalty

4. Decide on when you will deliver content
To get the most out of your content, make sure you share it at the right time. Usually, the best days are midweek, so Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday. Often, the best time to post is
between 9am and 2pm.

5. Track your content
Once you publish your content, it’s important that you follow up on any traction it garners. When you see your company, project, or the campaign mentioned, engage with the audience by sharing, retweeting or reposting. The faster the reaction, the better. You can set up an alert so you do not need to check manually. This will allow you check if your content is generating publicity and if it’s being portrayed positively. Tracking your content can also help you identify if it’s meeting objectives, and if it isn’t, it allows you to make changes mid-campaign. By tracking content, you will be able to find out what works well and what does not which will allow you to
make better decisions in the future.

Please tag us @RIAIOnline when posting.
Best of luck with your #RIAIPublicChoice campaign!
Thank you!