Nunce Mc Auley
Nunce Mc Auley
Nunce is a Dublin visual artist and art teacher living and working in Skerries, Co. Dublin. Her studio is located at Ardgillan Castle, Balbriggan, Co. Dublin.
She paints mainly in Oil and Watercolour but also produces work in the mediums of Drawing, Printmaking and Textile Art.
She is inspired by the ever-changing nature of her surroundings, in particular, seascapes and skyscapes. Living by the sea means that the subject matter is very fluid and this lends itself very well to Oil Painting. She spends a lot of time photographing her surroundings and uses these when working in her studio. Colour is a key part of her painting. She is also very interested in painting animals, particularly pets, and has taken on lots of commissions.
She has taught art to adults and children in Mornington Art School and Skerries and plans to continue doing this from her studio. She has also been Artist in the School for the Skerries Soundwaves Festival. She has been part of a number of exhibitions, including a solo exhibition.